Fire Risk Assessments Thurrock

For those who are responsible for a property, whether you are a business owner, manager, or landlord, fire risk assessments are a critical part of ensuring that your premises are safe and legally compliant.

Fire risk assessments not only work to protect tenants, employees, customer and visitors who occupy the property but they also help to keep the building itself and its contents safe by reducing the risks of fire.

At T2 Fire, our team of professional fire risk assessors in Thurrock are on hand to deliver comprehensive risk assessment services that can ensure your buildings fire safety is up to the highest standards.

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What is a Fire Risk Assessment?

A fire risk assessment is a methodical and comprehensive review process that involves examining and assessing potential hazards or risks that could lead to a fire and ascertain the level of risk they pose to determine what action needs to be taken.

The aim of a fire risk assessment is to remove any identified risks and hazards, or where applicable reduce them to acceptable levels.

Legal Responsibility

The 2005 Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order states that the ‘Responsible Person’ must make sure a suitable and sufficient risk assessment is conducted in order to identify any fire precautions that may need to be taken.

This ‘Responsible Person’ is usually the landlord, employer or property owner. Failure to ensure that a proper fire risk assessment has been carried out or that it has been reviewed regularly can lead to serious consequences for those responsible and could result in fines, penalties and even imprisonment.

If you are responsible for a building then it is your legal duty to ensure that a fire risk assessment has been carried out. This compliance is mandatory if the property falls under these categories;

  • Business premises
  • HMO
  • Accommodation for paying guests
  • Charities, churches, voluntary organisations
  • Premises open to consumers and the public
  • Care homes and medical facilities
  • Residential property with shared or communal areas

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Who Can Conduct a Fire Risk Assessment?

The law states that a fire risk assessment must be carried out by a ‘competent individual’. Although this does not mean that it has to be done by a qualified person, many businesses, organisations and individuals choose to use the services of a professional company who can take care of this for them.

Utilising the skills and expertise of a trusted, reliable and experienced specialist ensures that your figure risk assessment is taken as seriously as it should be and carried out to the highest possible standard.

Fire Safety Assessments Thurrock

At T2 Fire, our dedicated team conduct fire risk assessments for properties of all types, size, scale and complexity in a way that is fast, effective, affordable and most important of all, safe.

If you have any questions or would like to speak to someone about Thurrock fire risk assessments then please get in touch and one of our friendly advisors will be happy to help.

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