Fire Risk Assessments Dartford
Fire risk assessments are an essential part of fire safety that work to reduce the risk of fire in the workplace, helping to protect the property, it’s content and the lives of those inside.
At T2 Fire, our experts deliver professional, reliable and cost-effective fire risk assessment services for organisations and businesses of all types, sector and scale.
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What is a Fire Risk Assessment?
A fire risk assessment is an organised and methodical review of the property which looks at;
- The premises
- The type of work or activities carried out there
- The people who live, work or visit the site
The assessment is required to;
- Identify those at risk
- Pinpoint potential hazards or fire risks
- Determines fire safety assets and equipment
- Provides documentation covering any suggestions on further action or changes that need to be made
- Have a definitive date listed for a review of the fire risk assessment
What Does a Fire Risk Assessment Cover?
Here are some examples of some of the key areas that fire risk assessments evaluate for risk, such as;
- Fire safety measures
This can include things like fire drills, staff training, potential fuel sources, vulnerable persons, emergency fire action plan, how to reduce a fire if one starts, role of others in reducing the risk of fire.
- Detecting fire
Can the warnings be clearly heard by all, are the means of detection appropriate and the right type? Fire detection systems adequacy, back up supply and effectiveness.
- Fire extinguishers
Their location, visibility, access to them, are there enough and the right type for the premises and are they positioned close to fire hazards?
- Escape routes
Assess the potential for what would happen if fire, smoke and heat were to spread uncontrolled through the property? The viability of escape routes, are there enough of them, are there alternative escape routes, are they clear at all times, how long would it take everyone to evacuate safely? Can the exit doors be easily opened, do they open in the direction of escape, are they unlocked? Escape route lighting needs to be checked for suitability, back up supply and effectiveness.
- Signage
Appropriate signs for escape routes and exits, maintenance of signs, are they correct and legible? Is there adequate signage for fire and rescue services which indicate the location of things such as the water suppression stop valves and hazardous substance storage etc?
- Tests and maintenance
Regular checks on all relevant equipment including – firefighting, fire detection, alarm systems, fire doors, escape routes, lighting and signs.
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Is a Fire Risk Assessment a Legal Requirement?
As stated in the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order (FSO), fire risk assessments are legally required for all ‘non-domestic’ premises including the common areas of purpose-built flats and houses in multiple occupation (HMOs). It does not apply to private dwellings or the individual flats within a purpose-built block.
The FSO refers to a ‘responsible person’ who is in charge and therefore accountable for the fire safety of the building. Depending on the type of property or set up this will usually be the employer, business owner, landlord or managing agent.
The responsible person has a duty of care to protect those on the premises and must take all reasonable steps to ensure that their fire safety measures are compliant with the FSO, which includes fire risk assessments. Failure to comply with the FSO can result in serious consequences for those responsible and lead to large fines, prosecution and imprisonment.
Fire Safety Assessment Dartford
If you want complete peace of mind in knowing that your building is safe and compliant then our professional team of experienced specialists are on hand to help with cost-effective Dartford fire risk assessments.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more about our fire risk assessment services in Dartford then please get in touch and a member of our team will be happy to help.