Fire Risk Assessment Kent

T2 Fire Risk Assessment in Kent

If you are looking for Kent fire risk assessment services, then look no further. At T2 Fire, our experienced, reliable and certified experts are on hand to help and give you the peace of mind that your properties and those within them are safe.

Our fire risk assessments are an important step in helping you to;

  • Significantly reduce the probability of a fire starting.
  • Ensure that all occupants are aware of how to safely evacuate the premises.
  • Limite the damage that could be caused by a fire.
  • Define fire safety measures, management policies and emergency protocols.
  • Stay compliant with fire safety law.

Get in touch today and one of our friendly and knowledgeable team will be happy to answer any questions you may have and provide a free, no obligation quote.

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What Does a Fire Risk Assessment Consist Of?

A typical fire risk assessment will consist of five main steps.

  • Hazard identification

This involves identifying potential hazards in the property that could lead to or cause a fire such as ignition sources, fuels and things that could burn as a result of them.

  • Identifying those at risk

All individuals that use, work or live in the property could be at risk in the event that a fire was to break out. However, we also need to specifically identify those who are at greater risk than others due to factors such as – their age, mobility and job role.

  • Take action

Once the risks have been determined then it is important to evaluate each one in order to work out the best, safest and most efficient way to remove them or reduce the risk they pose. This could include things such as simply changing the layout of a space, maintaining fire safety equipment or having electronics on site PAT tested.

  • Records, planning and training

For businesses that have more than five employees, it is required by law that any findings from the fire risk assessments must be properly documented and recorded in writing, along with details on the steps that have been taken to reduce or remove said risks.

There must also be a clear and comprehensive fire emergency protocol plan for employees, explaining what should happen in the event of a fire and what they would need to do, as well as ensuring that they are thoroughly trained.

  • Review

The findings from all fire risk assessments should be regularly reviewed and additional assessments carried out when changes occur such as new machinery, procedures, equipment, substances or anything else that could result in new potential hazards.

Fire Safety Law

For almost all businesses across the UK, having a fire risk assessment in place is a legal requirement.

As an employer, building owner or occupier, you are what is referred to as the ‘responsible person’ (RP).

As the responsible person it is up to you to:

  • Have a fire risk assessment of the premises carried out.
  • Inform residence, employees or their representatives about any risks that have been identified.
  • Based on the findings from the assessment, take suitable action to make sure they are rectified whether that is to – remove, reduce, replace, minimise, protect or repair.
  • Maintain safety measures and ensure fire risk assessment is reviewed regularly.
  • Have a suitable plan in place for emergencies.
  • Provide all staff or residence with relevant information as well as fire safety instructions and training if required.

Failing to take every reasonable measure to prevent fire from occurring can result in severe consequences for those responsible such as large penalties and fines or even a prison sentence.

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Unfortunately, for a lot of businesses and individuals, building fires are something that are thought of as being unlikely to occur and it is extremely common therefore for them to be under-prioritised. This can be a dangerous mistake and sadly being underprepared for a fire can lead to significant damage of stock, machinery, equipment, buildings and even loss of life.

At T2 Fire, our dedicated team of certified fire safety experts provide fire risk assessments across Kent for a wide range of commercial and domestic premises, to help keep your property and those within it safe.

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